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Ganocafe coffee may dissolve the blood clot to causing a blockage.

Monday, April 2, 2012 Tags: , , ,

Ganoderma lucidum (Ingredient in ganocafe coffee) contains a key substance called Nucleotides.

Ganoderma lucidum (Ingredient in Ganocafe coffee) contains a key substance called Nucleotides. It has the ability to dissolve blood clots that clog. This makes the blood clot cannot be combined too easily and to clog the arteries. Reishi mushroom (Ingredient in Ganocafe coffee) does not help only the blood to the heart, but it also includes all the blood vessels in the body and veins in the brain as well.

Furthermore, the combination of a blood clot can cause coronary heart disease. It also has one of the reasons that are that too much fat and cholesterol in the blood. If the body has too much fat and cholesterol in the blood, it combines in the arteries, causing blockages. When it has so much to cause a blockage, the blood is not sent to the heart ascribes the lack of oxygen to the heart. Blood is not sent to the heart that causes lack of oxygen to the heart.

Ganoderma lucidum (Ingredient in ganocafe coffee) can help reduce fat and cholesterol in the blood.

Ganoderma lucidum (Ingredient in ganocafe coffee) can help reduce fat and cholesterol in the blood.

Reishi mushroom contains Triterpenoids that help lower fat and cholesterol in the blood not to have too much.